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Sun appear reddish in color at approximately 5:00 WIB, emerge among the branches of trees green. Its rays create a sky divided in three main colors, blue, orange and yellow. Simultaneously when the sky began to color divided, a group of black birds the sky began to enliven and make sound land insects that fast slow wane.

Four great mountain on the island of Java, namely Merapi, Merbabu, and Sumbing Sindoro swell among white fog. Thickness of white clouds that look like waves that drown the land until the only remaining field of the order form and siring fallen trees located on a higher plain. From behind the fog is also white, top of the stupa of Borobudur temple which appear black to appear on the surface of the sea fog.

That scene, which can be viewed at dawn when standing on top Suroloyo, hill Etch highest in the mountains which is located on 1091 meters above sea level. To enjoy them, you have to go through harsh and curvaceous roads conquered climb steep enough, and start the trip at least 2 hours early. Two routes can be selected, the first route Godean Road - Sentolo - and both routes Kalibawang Road Magelang - Market Muntilan - Kalibawang. The first route is chosen either because it will bring you up more quickly. Of course you should be in prime physical condition, as well as a vehicle fuel must contain full and when the need to carry a spare tire.

After running approximately 40 km, you will find a signpost to the direction Sendang Sono. You can turn to the left to go to Top Suroloyo, but recommended you go on first 500 meters to a small fork and turn to the left because the road is smooth. From there, you still have to climb again as far as 15 km to go to Top Suroloyo. A trip that was tiring, but replaceable with beautiful scenery that can be seen.

You have to sign on the hill is Suroloyo three relay seen it view that is also known by the term retirement, each named Suroloyo, and Sariloyo Kaendran. Suroloyo retreat is the first found, can be reached on foot climb 286 stair slope with 300 - 600. From the peak, you can see the Borobudur with more clearly, and Merbabu Mount Merapi, Magelang and the city when no fog cover.

Suroloyo retirement is the most legendary. According to the story, this is the hermitage of Raden Mas Rangsang then titled Sultan Agung Hanyokrokusumo be imprisoned for running wangsit who come to it. In the book Cabolek paper Ngabehi Yosodipuro written on the 18 th century, Sultan Agung get two wangsit, first that he will be the land of Java so that the authorities encouraged to run west until Kotagede Menoreh in the mountains, to the world that he must do Tapa kesatrian that can become the ruler .

Toward retirement, you will see the different as well. At the peak Sariloyo which is located 200 meters west Suroloyo retirement, you will see Mount Sumbing Sindoro and with more clearly. Before reaching retirement, you can see the monument divider Yogyakarta province of Central Java with a stand on the ground suffering from Tegal. Sariloyo from retirement, when you walk 250 meters and up to Kaendran retirement, you will be able to see the city and the beauty of Kulon Progo panati Glagah.

After the scenic retreat in the third, you can get around the Peak Suroloyo and see the activity in the morning. Usually, starting around 5 o'clock in the morning is go to the field while suck cigarettes linting. When you walk in the nearby population, the savory aroma will greet indra incense smell because most men who smoke tobacco mix linting for menyedapkan with incense aroma.

In addition to having the attention, Peak Suroloyo also save myth. This peak is believed pancering direction as the earth (the center of the four directions) in the land of Java. Local people believe that this summit meeting is a two-line from north to south and from west to east Java. With myths, history and its natural scenery, of course is the perfect place to visit on the first day in the new year.

This time we come around to the stalls 'sambel welut' Pak Sabar. 'Sambel welut' model is similar to the Tempe Penyet. If Tempe Penyet destroyed in the same sambel, this is not destroyed in the alias welut fried. Hence the name 'sambel welut'.

Warung Pak Sabar is located in the southern ring road to the cemetery Yogyakarta Ngoto, a few meters after the burial, there are later named Park Mino fishing on the east road. Its East have the fishing gang, little entry.
We can ask make the 'sambel welut' spicy, moderate, or no spicy, depending on the amount of chili that destroyed in. Spicy What more appropriate, because his name 'sambel'? hehe .. True, the more steady if pedes. Yes .. 10 chili enough, I continue to add, while sweat gutter ... hehe. Served with warm rice, milk, ginger, yam and boiled leaves and fresh basil ... .. Hmmmm .. Grace ...

Red rice in the bridge Jirak Sewanu is the most recommended. Delicious right, until I also more. Red rice is eaten with fried Wader, where vegetables, crackers, hmm.. does not create resistant.
There is also a papaya leaf vegetables over coconut milk be tasty, empal, fried chicken, let alone eaten up in the hall where we sit bamboo lesehan plus the easy breezy wind entering the building is simple stalls. Unfortunately place far, Sewanu is in Gunung Kidul, Wonosari from the city center is still about 7 km longer.

Tugu Yogyakarta is a landmark city of Yogyakarta's most famous. The monument is located right in the middle of the crossroad Mangkubumi Prince Street, General Jalan Sudirman, Jalan AM Sangaji and Diponegoro Street. Tugu Yogyakarta aged almost 3 centuries have meaning in the recording at the same time save some historical city of Yogyakarta.

If you want to make one's Tugu Yogyakarta while his recall meaning Philosophically, available seat overlooking the monument at the corner of Jl. Prince Mangkubumi. 05.00 hrs - 06.00 morning is the right time, when the air is still fresh and not many motor vehicles and thatch. Occasionally you may be in a very with a friendly smile newspaper deliveryman who want to go to the office daily circulation Kedaulatan Rakyat.

Afternoon until midnight, there is a seller gudeg (cooking typical Yogyakarta) at the corner of Jl. Diponegoro. Gudeg famous around here and the prices reasonable. You can eat a Lesbian while enjoying the scenery to the Tugu Yogyakarta, which is bright.

Once synonymous with his Tugu Yogyakarta city of Yogyakarta, make many students reveal your sense of fun he declared after graduating college enclasp or with the smell of Tugu Yogyakarta. Perhaps it also as an expression dear to the city of Yogyakarta, which will soon be abandoned, at a time when a pledge that he will later visit the city watched this again.

Wediombo Beach

An imagination of the most extensive white sand, which allows for unimpeded view to different angles may appear when you hear the beach called Wediombo (Wedi = sand, OMBO = width). However, the actual beach Wediombo not have a broad spread of the sand. The western and eastern coastal hills enclosed by coral reefs, white sandy beaches make this whole Parangtritis, Glagah, or may Kuta.

Local residents revealed that the beach is the name given by the ancestors not in accordance with the situation. There is revealed, the beach is more suitably bear the name Bay Ombo, because it resembles a beach width of the bay. There are coral reefs which flank, seawater stick to the mainland, but have a more knowledgeable than the width of a normal bay.

But, in the name of the foreign matter is not right, Wediombo still presenting the views of the beach extraordinary. Seawater is still blue, not like other coastal tourism, which has polluted the water to the green. White sand is still intact, decorated shells, scallop shells, which abandoned it. The atmosphere of the beach is also very quiet, far from the hubbub of tourists sunbathing or thatch and vehicles. The appropriate place to release saturated.

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