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To the south campus, there is a market people are known as Pasar Gede. Although the architecture of the building using only simple and sober, traditional markets built on the Senopati Panembahan has become one of the central economic activity mentawisan community. This is to make known the name of Kota Gede market or Sargede previously.

About 50 meters south of Market Yam in the way the Great Mosque, a stronghold with a gate length of the site to protect one of the successes of Mataram tempo, but still well maintained, a Petilasan Kotagede Palace. Some of the trees later berjulur long that signifies that he has the old guard seems to be the sacred place. Passing through the second gate there is a high wall about two meters with the road on both sides hinder the view from the third gate of the complex road to the Great Mosque.

In the middle there was complex Mosque in the first Kotagede surrounded the house of Abdi Dalem. The mosque was built by Sultan Agung together with the local community - most of the time the Crusaders Hinduism and Buddhism - the architecture also adopted a pattern typical of many Hindu and Buddhist architecture. One is the mosque gate, which resembles a carving Buddhist monasteries. Wood sculptures that decorate almost every corner of the mosque also figured style of Hindu and Buddhist. This is a unique apart from the mosque. In the mosque there is also a unique platform that carving, tributary of the Duke of Palembang to the Sultan Agung.

South Mosque complex, there are the graves of relatives and the Kingdom of Mataram kingdom of the family who is also a place to live, Ki Ageng Pemanahan previously. There is a widower building (now a cooperative) when passing through the first gate before entering the second gate.

Passing through the second gate into a complex point barrier once connecting to the tomb also Sendang others (bathing place). In this complex, there are offices, warehouses, stalls and stalls Lor clamp clamp south.

In the west there is a complex gate to the tomb complex. Entering the complex, the tourists required to wear traditional Javanese and implement tahlilan (prayer) before the open graves. Beyond around 720 graves, visitors will be sent to a main building where the family stayed the Great Kingdom. Among Mrs Ageng Nis and P. Djoyo Prono which is the grandparent of Panembahan Senopati, Ki Ageng Pemanahan (father of the Senopati Panembahan), Panembahan Senopati to Kyai Wonoboyo Mangir, while at the same time the enemy Panembahan Senopati makamnya half outside the building to be unique in this confinement. Perhaps the death of Kyai Ageng Mangir dibenturkan caused his head to rock the throne by the Senopati Panembahan Panembahan own. The stone itself can still be seen in the south mosque complex about 100 meters.

According to Mr. Muji one of Abdi Dalem to we, visitors usually pray and implore blessing safety and success in each tomb King.

Meanwhile in the south of the tomb there is a bathing place is divided into Sendang Kakung for men and women to Sendang daughter. "Revitalize themselves in the place where this can be a healer of disease, and some crave success and prosperity" added Mr. Muji.

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