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Not many know that Pesanggrahan Cave Siluman. Understandably, pesanggrahan built by Buwono II, this is not all famous Taman Sari Water Palace. But, behind him a popular, this actually had an important function for the Kraton, as a place to be imprisoned. Television Warungboto together, this place is called in one of the tembang macapat on progress towards the government achieved during Buwono II in Yogyakarta.
Television Cave Siluman Wonocatur located in the area, Sleman, precisely in the road that connects Ring Road East region with Berbah Yogyakarta, Bantul. You may want to visit passes Janti Road until the crossroad Block O, then turn right. After the signboard to find direction Berbah, you turn left to live. Television is located in pinggi roads, marked the high wall setebal 75 cm of color have become start.
The area includes the area pesanggrahan right and left of the road. Perhaps a little surprising, but it is correct. Is there any part of the building with a truncated presence road? Was not. We confirm it by seeing the building in a way that is left is a gate entrance this. The door is connected with the tunnel toward the area of the building is in the right way. This means that the tunnel that connects the complex on the right and left roads are in exactly the road toward Berbah it.
At the gate of the building, we see birds Give relief in the top. The form is unique still can be seen clearly even though some of the damage has been eaten because of age. Meanwhile, at the bottom of the door, there are several staircases that connect the outside of the tunnel. When entering into more, will be found again a door that the arch-shaped top, may function as a bookmark is entering the tunnel.
We actually want to browse the tunnel, but we prefer to cancel and cross the road. Next, we climb down the building, which is in the right way and find a door that is square. The door is a copy of the tunnel that connects the right and left of the road. Not like the north door decorated with reliefs of birds Tell, south door is simple, without any ornaments.
Through the door south of that, we can take a part pesanggrahan the other. There are buildings that sweep to the east, directly connected with the tunnel. The building is divided into several rooms, each is also linked with a door. Not far from the door that connects to the east room, there is a divider, which is decorated jewelry-beautiful ornaments similar motives batik cloth. Meanwhile, in the most eastern pond, there are four terms until now is still filled water.
As many pesanggrahan in the early Kraton, Cave Siluman also has a pool and garden area. Currently, the acreage planted the garden variety of ornamental plants so that the area looks green. Ornamental plants that grow on the edge of two rectangular pond that is also part of the building. The sides and base the second pond is actually made of stucco, which is quite good, but I can not see because the water is not so clear.
Around to the southwest, there is a water swimming longer shaped circle. Swimming is decorated with statues of birds with Give it a prominent part. The form is very unique, especially because its beak serve as a shower of water. Swimming fact, there are also similar in the southeast, but his statue have been damaged and he started swimming hidden land.
Until now, various activities other than the Kraton asceticism conducted in Pesanggrahan Cave Siluman not be missed, including anyone who had be imprisoned in this place. Another thing that is still a mystery is the name of the building itself. Tembang macapat a load of the building say the name of this building is Seluman Cave, but the nameplate on the building complex is now the name of the building Siluman Cave. Is Seluman and Siluman mean the same?
First, many people consider this haunted building, so people can not enter it haphazard. But now that assumption is no reason some people even use the area pesanggrahan place to chat. So, you can visit one of these historic sites without fear.

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